Friday, October 19, 2007

Cheerleading Essentials - Don't Leave Home Without Them

The days are getting shorter, nights a little colder, and school is back in session. It’s fall again and that can only mean one thing: football season. Fall is one of the busiest and time consuming seasons for cheerleaders. September through November is often filled with football games, pep rallies, homecoming activities, and possibly a parade or two.

Between cheerleading and school you’ll barely have time to sit back and relax. This busy schedule means you need to be prepared to go at all times. Making sure your cheerleading bag is filled with all the essentials can help you make it through these hectic times. Here are a few items no cheerleader should leave home without.

* Body Glitter/Face Paint: If you want to make sure you’re always ready to show your school spirit, keep some body glitter and face paint in a plastic bag or container. Face paint and glitter can be used during football games, pep rallies, or parades to show support for the football team or your school.

* Lip Gloss: Keep your lips moisturized and looking great by keeping a tube of your favorite lip gloss in your cheer bag. Not only can lip gloss add extra shine to your smile, it’s also important to keep on hand when you’re out in the elements. Wind, cold weather, and extended exposure to the sun can wreak havoc on your lips. Make sure you carry a gloss that has moisturizing agents to help prevent cracked and sore lips.

* Hair Ties and Ribbons: Make sure you have plenty of ribbons and hair ties in your cheerleading bag. While you may have your hair perfectly straightened or in adorable curls at the beginning of a football game; strenuous movement, sweat, humidity, or rain can ruin even the most well prepared hair. Having a hair tie and a ribbon or two in your bag will help you ward off bad hair embarrassment while showing your cheer spirit.

* Brush: This one is pretty self explanatory. A brush will come handy when you need to pull your hair back or tame some unruly locks.

* Hair Spray: Keeping your tresses in place during your stunts is often a near impossible task. To make sure your hair stays as secure as possible make sure you bring a bottle of extra hold hairspray to keep everything in place.

* Water Proof Mascara: I would go so far as to advise cheerleaders to stay away from any mascara that isn’t water proof. Waterproof mascara will prevent smudges caused by rain, sweat, or even tears. Make sure you never look like a raccoon in your uniform by always keep water proof mascara on hand.

* Deodorant: While you may not like to admit it, everyone is capable of sweating and therefore smelling less than terrific. Make sure you always carry a stick of your favorite deodorant in your bag for occasions when you’re working extra hard and may break a sweat.

* Makeup Remover: A variety of things can cause your make up to run, smudge, or just look subpar. Always carry makeup remover and cotton balls in your bag so you can remove and reapply make up in seconds.

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